Postparken landscape development

Postparken landscape development Landscape competition development and resident engagement through design workshopsClient: FA09 (PAB) Housing administration Our role:  Landscape analysis, competition development, fundraising, process design, resident engagement, communication, data analysis, design workshops Location: Tårnby, Copenhagen, Denmark Year: 2023-2024   Status: Ongoing Postparken … Read More

NEWS: arki_lab is co-developing a pilot project concept strategy for central Melbourne

Andreas MortensenCitizen involvement, Competitions, Research, Tools, Traffic, Urban Design

We are thrilled to announce that our proposal has been chosen to develop a pilot project concept strategy for central Melbourne. We are looking forward to this opportunity to expand our activities in Australia and to deliver high-level strategic advice … Read More

NEWS: arki_lab wins the project to develop a new park in Høje-Taastrup

Andreas MortensenCitizen involvement, Competitions, Research, Tools, Urban Design

We are excited to announce the great news that we have won the competition to develop a park in Høje-Taastrup, which is part of the new vision for the neighbourhood, Gadehavekvarteret/Gregersens. We’re looking forward to continue our fruitful collaboration with … Read More