Why does Urban Planning need Feminism?

Andreas MortensenOpinion

The feminist approach to urban planning and development is increasingly gaining ground within our field. But how does feminism fit into the urban context? And how can we actively work with feminist approahces to create better and more inclusive cities? … Read More

Outside Denmark, Inside Japan

Andreas MortensenOpinion

How can we work with the borders between inside and outside to improve the connection between humans and natural and urban surroundings, and how is it done in a megacity like Tokyo? With these questions in the suitcase, we went … Read More

Hvordan løfter vi byens beton?

Andreas MortensenOpinion

Hvordan kan Danmarks udsatte boligområder styrkes og gøres velfungerende? Det spørgsmål er blevet debatteret heftigt siden starten af marts, da regeringen offentliggjorde sit “ghettoudspil” med titlen ‘Ét Danmark uden parallelsamfund – Ingen ghettoer i 2030’. Udspillet tager en række problematikker … Read More

A New Paradigm for Participatory Design in Australia

Ekin ArinOpinion

The first 6 months have gone by since we started up the office down under, lead by our sociologist Thomas Aarup Due. It has been amazing to receive great interest in our citizen consultation and co-design practices. Everyone we’ve talked … Read More

Nye veje til levende lokalsamfund

Ekin ArinOpinion

Der er noget der rør på sig i Odsherred. Lokalpolitikere, kommunale beslutningstagere, engagerede borgere og unge fra byens uddannelsesinstitutioner er gået sammen om udviklingen af Asnæs by. Bylaboratoriet er et samarbejde mellem arki_lab og Odsherred kommune, hvorigennem lokalsamfundet, og herunder … Read More

Rethinking educational spaces: the outdoor classroom

Ekin ArinOpinion

In the recent years designers have started to examine the process of learning in relation to spatial qualities of a classroom. Research and application of non-traditional education spaces has revealed significant change in user behavior and overall teaching approaches. At … Read More