
placemaking toolkit

Quick win solutions for movement and spatial challenges

arki_lab's approach to placemaking places the users and their identities in the center. Through bringing together different stakeholders, users and local citizens, we aim to capture the local culture, knowledge and the collection of different ideas and aspirations. The placemaking strategies we developed are based on these learnings and findings. The collected knowledge informs which tools, strategies and principles could be applied to create spatial, social and movement related improvements. This is where the placemaking toolkit comes into play. The toolkit is composed of different temporary and quick solutions that can be easily tested.

The toolkit presents an array of different options, ranging from data collection through sensors to temporary furniture installations. Through applying these quick win solutions, we get to test the functionality and impacts of the proposed solutions, without having to implement the final design. This allows us to test the solutions and reiterate, depending on the feedback and comments from the users and stakeholders.

3 themes

The toolbox is divided into 3 themes, with further sub-categories that provide more tangible and specific solutions. These themes help participants think about a variety of solutions that can be combined or used independently.

Material & Physical Change

The Material and Physical Changes cards represent physical infrastructural improvements that range from changes in road infrastructure- which requires larger budgets and longer-term planning to smaller improvements such as adding or improving street furniture.

Network Management

The Operational and Network Management cards deal with immaterial improvements and traffic management. Much can be done in order to improve existing infrastructure without having to dig up new road.

Public Life & Amenities

These cards focus on the liveability and everyday life of an area. They address placemaking from a local scale by suggesting artistic collaborations, events etc., which all contribute to creating a more vibrant and strong neighborhood.