
Looking at the data together
An interactive tool for engaging with and communicating site-specific data

arki_map is an interactive map which allows anyone to easily get an overview of the data collected in the engagement process. By plotting out collected information, arki_map allows citizens and stakeholders to locate themselves and their contributions and to see them in connection with the bigger picture. The flexibility of the platform and the option of adding in extra layers like sea-level rise or infrastructure also provides a way to see comments in relation to the changing urban environment and other factors.

Transparent communication
Communication and transparency is a vital part of any engagement process. And placing the users and their needs in the center means allowing their voices to stand out in the process and the final product. That’s why it is important that communication of results doesn’t eliminate individuality or variety of perspectives but embraces this part of the democratic process.

Our aim with arki_map is to capture and illustrate the dreams, needs and aspirations of participants in engagement processes within their spatial foundations. Since we often work with geo-situated data, from citizens’ reflections on their urban spaces, to survey results and highwater levels, we found it important to make these available in an intuitive way. The interactive map allows anyone to get an overview of data, and gives them the tools to explore the collected information.

The map is composed of different templates that can be easily created to fit any urban area and project, and presents an array of different options, ranging from visualizations of workshop data and photos to demographic and geographic conditions.

how does it work?

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