Vauxhall Greenway
A green corridor for new social life
Client: RIBA and Vauxhall One
Our role: Concept & Strategy Development (Competition)
Location: Vauxhall, London, United Kingdom
Year: 2013
Status: Finished (Honourable Mention)
Relink Vauxhall By Green Infrastructure
The Green Corridor functions as an urban greenway and linear landscape. The corridor serves as a linkage between different scales and types of landscapes providing multiple opportunities for recreation, education, and cultural resources.
This greenway corridor is an important landscape type that should be part of a holistic urban and metropolitan planning strategy. The Green Corridor zig-zags through the area sewing it together internally and externally. Laslty, it functions as a recreational spine and sustainable landscape for nature and people alike that provides easy navigation and access in an otherwise difficult and disconnected environment.
Breaking Down the Barriers
The zig-zag orientation of The Green Corridor makes it visible throughout Vauxhall and helps in slowing down traffic. The perpendicular relationship between The Green Corridor and the railway functions as an upgrade to the dark, unsafe crossings and breaks down the barrier to the river, thus improving connectivity and rebuilding a sense of place.
Upgrade Existing Green Spaces
To increase the benefits of the existing parks, we have provided a theme for every park to make them stand as individual places to be. According to their history and location they have been upgraded and have established their own identity. For example, The City Farm will provide an opportunity for urban-dwellers to come in contact with animals, thus making the link between agriculture and food.
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