Korsør Flood Protection

Integrating sustainable solutions and improving urban life

Client: Slagelse Municipality
Team: arki_lab, Sweco, Årstiderne Architects
Our role: Community engagement, Communication strategy
Location: Korsør, Slagelse, Denmark
Year: 2020 - 2021
Status: Completed

As the sea-level rises and weather patterns change, so does the need for coastal management and protection. The city of Korsør, located at the west coast of Sealand and surrounded by the sea, is identified as one of 14 flood risk areas in Denmark.

The project aims to secure Korsør from a 100-year flood, projected to the year 2070. The flood protection will incorporate sustainable solutions on many different levels, translating the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement into ambitious goals for CO2 reductions, increased biodiversity and more - in the local context.

The municipality of Slagelse aims to develop the flood protection in close dialogue with the citizens of Korsør. The project will be partially funded by everyone that benefits from the flood protection, thus, the project requires a deep-rooted sense of ownership towards the flood protection in order to be succesful. arki_lab has been involved to ensure that the complexity of the project gets communicated to all the involved parties, both ordinary citizens and other stakeholders such as the navy and the Agency for Culture and Palaces. We've made the dialogue possible through various means such as landowner meetings, digital efforts, signs along the coastline, city walks and more. We've also engaged the young citizens of Korsør through educational materials that among other things resulted in 340 pumpkin lanterns being placed along the coastline.

While the solution must protect the city against floods, there is also a strong wish to add recreational layers, this way making the urban spaces along the shoreline more attractive to the residents. The solution will create pockets for stay and nature as well as incorporating design elements that communicate the history and identity of the city, which is strongly affected by its proximity to the sea.

The flood protection will combine solutions of a green dike with permanent quay walls with mobile openings. The protective line follows the historic coastline of Korsør, thus adding to the historical layer.

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