Community engagement at Cumberland CC

Around Wyatt Park, addressing the stretch between Auburn and Lidcome stations

Client: Cumberland City Council
Our role: Process, stakeholder involvement, consensus building, report writing
Location: Sydney, Australia
Year: 2022
Status: Finished

    Improving connectivity between Lidcombe and Auburn stations
    arki_lab ran an intense engagement process with the community around Wyatt Park, with the focus of improving the connectivity between Lidcombe and Auburn Stations, primarily for people walking and biking. 

    The main engagement workshop took place on site at the Auburn Youth Centre in the end of April 2022 with various stakeholders from the community, represented by a large mix of age groups, professions and cultural backgrounds, together with the City Council and some Council-members.

    Later in the process two additional workshops with other stakeholders were included, to insure as wide a range of engagement as possible.

    At all occasions, the City Council had several difference department representatives attending to not only be able to listen in and understand the different stakeholders challenges and opportunities, directly, but also to foster cross disciplinary collaborations within the city council. 

    arki_nopoly as a platform for change
    The facilitating tool used at the workshops was the flexible variant of arki_labs collaborative board game called “arki_nopoly”. Through the game the stakeholders were offered a platform through which they could vocalize and discuss their ideas for future development of the area. In general, the game creates an interactive and inclusive idea generation process, encouraging a smoother urban transformation through activating stakeholders’ knowledge and giving them a chance to share their ideas and concerns with their peers.

    After the workshops, all the data was treated, analysed and turned into a mini-report. 

          In Cumberland, arki_lab's work resulted in a fun and collaborative process, where the arki_nopoly game played a vital role in creating common understandings on how to improve connectivity and conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.

          - Christopher Manoski, Senior Coordinator Place and Engagement at Cumberland City Council

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