Area Renewal Skjolds Plads x Nørre Fælled Skole

Educating school children to explore, analyse and design Lersø Parkallé and Sifs plads in Copenhagen

Client: City of Copenhagen (Area Renewal Skjolds Plads)
Our role: Process design, education material, workshop facilitation, analysis
Location: Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2024  
Status: Finished

     6th grade students design greener spaces with activities for all ages

    As part of the urban area renewal Skjolds Plads in Copenhagen, arki_lab designed an educational one-week program for the 6th grade students at Nørre Fælled Skole. As the first step of the program, the students did urban analysis on two urban development sites (Lersø Parkallé and Sifs Plads) in close proximity to their school, by using an analogue analysis guide and identifying challenges through our engagement tool arki_nopoly. The students went on an inspirational tour of the city, and then moved on to develop a design proposal for their site. For this design step, the students were taught how to work with analogue collages and isometric drawings. Lastly, they learned how to pitch and presented their work to decision makers in the municipality of Copenhagen. 

    The projects were all graphically processed by arki_lab and placed on site as a poster exhibition by the municipality. To anchor the student projects at municipal level, arki_lab made an analytical document working as an active appendix to the upcoming procurement process and transformation of Lersø Parkallé and Sifs Plads.

      Dette projekt har ikke blot givet eleverne en stemme i byudviklingen, men også udstyret dem med vigtig læring om medborgerskab og ejerskab. Samtidig har vi i Områdefornyelsen fået værdifulde indsigter og konkrete forslag til, hvordan vi kan skabe et byrum, der tilgodeser børns behov.
      Mira Kirk, Projektleder OMF Skjolds Plads, Københavns Kommune

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