Why does Urban Planning need Feminism?

Andreas MortensenOpinion

The feminist approach to urban planning and development is increasingly gaining ground within our field. But how does feminism fit into the urban context? And how can we actively work with feminist approahces to create better and more inclusive cities? … Read More

NEWS: arki_lab is co-developing a pilot project concept strategy for central Melbourne

Andreas MortensenCitizen involvement, Competitions, Research, Tools, Traffic, Urban Design

We are thrilled to announce that our proposal has been chosen to develop a pilot project concept strategy for central Melbourne. We are looking forward to this opportunity to expand our activities in Australia and to deliver high-level strategic advice … Read More

Outside Denmark, Inside Japan

Andreas MortensenOpinion

How can we work with the borders between inside and outside to improve the connection between humans and natural and urban surroundings, and how is it done in a megacity like Tokyo? With these questions in the suitcase, we went … Read More

Hvordan løfter vi byens beton?

Andreas MortensenOpinion

Hvordan kan Danmarks udsatte boligområder styrkes og gøres velfungerende? Det spørgsmål er blevet debatteret heftigt siden starten af marts, da regeringen offentliggjorde sit “ghettoudspil” med titlen ‘Ét Danmark uden parallelsamfund – Ingen ghettoer i 2030’. Udspillet tager en række problematikker … Read More

NEWS: arki_lab wins the project to develop a new park in Høje-Taastrup

Andreas MortensenCitizen involvement, Competitions, Research, Tools, Urban Design

We are excited to announce the great news that we have won the competition to develop a park in Høje-Taastrup, which is part of the new vision for the neighbourhood, Gadehavekvarteret/Gregersens. We’re looking forward to continue our fruitful collaboration with … Read More